Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Happenings in the Shop

I have been making progress in adding more supplies and handmade items to my Etsy shop, I also did finally get a web site up, but finding the time to keep editing it everytime I add something to Etsy can be a bit of a pain. I, at this point, am trying not to worry about it too much, it isn't receiving any traffic that I can track and with the same listings being in my Etsy shop is probably not receiving any Google traffic because of the duplication of listings.

On another business note we are getting ready for the fall craft fairs now so that if we end up moving by the end of the year it will be one less stress-er to worry about when the time comes up and we have to go to the venue and set up, hopefully things will already be set and marked and we can semi relax and enjoy meeting the new people and spreading my shop name out there :)
Well it has definitely been awhile, but here is goes :)

Made our first Military donation from the proceeds from the sales in my shop, seeing as I started the promotion in February that is when we started keeping track.
This first quarters donation was made to the USO and was a nice sizable $60 dollar donation, I am sure that it will indeed come in very handy when it comes to helping our troups.
The next quarters donation will go to the Air Force aid society, a few people have made that request and their money has been set aside accordingly.
I am hoping that we can continue to make the sales so that we can continue to make the donations to these worthy causes.