Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Air Force and Craft Fairs

Well, no progress yet in enlisting my son. Went and got the required note from the doctor, but it was not worded right, so they want a second opinion. Son is going into school today, and will hopefully remember to set up a appointment with the nurse to have her check him out, a back up plan is to take him to the nearest clinic and see if it is something they can do. All this is delaying his processing, but we are doing the best we can do with what is given to us, he really wants this, so we are doing what we can to get him in.

On to better news, our first craft fair is coming up on Saturday. We have everything packed and ready, set up is at 8 am, and it starts at 10 and runs til 4. It will probably take that long to set up the racks for display of our items. My husband got these monsters given to him from a old blockbuster store when it closed, so he is bound and determined to use them, I just hope they aren't too much.

I am trying not to get my hopes up that I will be able to sell most of my things, but it would seem that when people can physically see and touch my quilted item they are more willing to buy them. I have been told by numerous people that my pictures on my web stores are not up to snuff. I have tried retaking them, but to no avail. Either the background is too dark, the quilts to big and they look like they were tossed into the picture, or they are just not clear pictures. I don't make enough money to pay a professional so I am hoping to sell all the inventory I have at the craft fairs I have signed up at, and shut the two handmade shops down by the end of the year. What is left will probably be given out as Christmas gifts and I do have graduations coming up as well, we shall see.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Snapping Pictures

Some of the places we have been in our travels this week, spring has definitely sprung, signs are everywhere, but I don't expect it will last, it's too early for this kind of gorgeous weather we have been having. Temps have hit the mid to upper 70's all week, just makes you want to jump into this gorgeous water :) 

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Rough week

Well, it's been a rough one.
My son is trying to enlist in the Air Force, and we had a appointment with the recruiter today to go over his scores and have him fill out his wish list for what he wants to do when he is done with basic training.
We didn't make it very far into the appointment, when the recruiter brought up the subject of my sons medical history. Now, I have brought both my kids up to tell the truth, well that philosophy is not going to help my son much when it comes to enrolling in the military. We now have to get a slip of paper from the doctor stating that my son is okay to do basic training, because of a condition he came down with when he was a baby. When I have talked to people about this, I was asked, why didn't you lie about it. What kind of society are we bringing our kid up in where they have to lie to do things, you tell the truth up front, that way if something happens they can't say they didn't know about it.
He is perfectly fine now, he outgrew the symptoms when he was in elementary school, but because we put it in his records we now have to have a doctor say the same thing. I have been repeated told up to this point that it is our fault, according to them, you don't tell the truth when dealing with the military. This is the men and women who put their lives on the line for us, makes me wonder what they had to lie about to get to where they are now :\

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Custom Order

It is done and I did it all myself, it is only the second time that I have used my machine to do a custom quilt, the customer will be up next week to see it and pick it up. Heres hoping he likes it as much as I do :)

Friday, March 16, 2012

I Received the Liebster Blog Award

I received this award from Dana @http://cereusart.comThank you very much Dana !

The rules are that the winners have to pay it forward to other blogs that are worth the recognition. If they accept the award, they should: thank the person who nominated them and link to their site; nominate five other blogs with fewer than 200 followers, and copy/paste the Liebster Blog Icon into their post.

I am awarding it to these five blogs;

Barb @
Wendi @
Traci @
Patty @
Heidi @

These guys are well worth a visit to :)

Happy National Quilting Day !

I just love this, and I am always kindly reminding my husband of this when I want to stop at the nearest quilt shop on our daily travels, and he rolls his eyes at me :)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I received a Award

A Big Thank You to Mountain Quiltworks for this;
My job now is to share 7 things with you all, that you may or may not know about me,  and then find 15 other bloggers who also deserve this award and pass it on to them.   Finding deserving bloggers isn't hard, but coming up with seven things? 

#1 - I have a full time job during the day and I am balancing running 3 shops around that.

#2 - I have been quilting for 14 years now, and am beginning to take the plunge into long arm quilting with a new frame that my husband bought me two years ago.

#3 - My favorite type of quilting is hand work, I am particularly addicted to English paper pieced hexagons.

#4 - I like a challenge, but I am very nervous with new things

#5 - I will soon have a empty nest, my son is in the home stretch on plans for enrolling in the Air Force, and my daughter is planning on following her boyfriend to a possible job deployment in Florida.

#6 - I will be starting a new venture this year with my business, we are going to be doing Craft Fairs in our area in the hopes of getting my name out there for prospective customers.

#7 - I have dreams of someday owning my own brick and mortar quilt shop.

The blogs I am passing the torch to are ones that I follow, and each offer their own perspective on these very addicting crafts that we do and love.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


This garage/shed is doing the slow slide down the mountain into the creek below, the area that is sliding is getting dangerously close to where the house is.

You can also see from one of the pictures the path that the river took going through this area, and how far up the water rose when it went through this area. When looking at the river bank, you get a very good understanding why some people no longer have homes or business left after the storm.

Well they have finally gotten route 42 in Lexington opened to traffic. It took a fair bit of work to put in new bridges and road through this heavy storm hit area. This area, unfortunately did not make out any better then Prattsville. Whole neighborhoods are now gone all up and down the roads that were nearest to the creek. This area was also the hardest hit in dirt, whole areas of the mountain came sliding down and covered roadways and took house and garages down into or nearly into the creeks and waterways in the area.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A Very Good Day

Well today turned out to be a very good day, I had to make a investment in a new phone in order to do credit card sales at what I was hoping were confirmed dates for craft fairs.

The craft fairs are finally confirmed, and the phone proved itself worth its weight in gold, I was able to get my email and converse with the customers enough to be able to get two possible sales today through my supply shop. Then tonight, it is BNR night at Promofrenzy team, I made a sale through my handmade shop, probably not enough to warrant keeping the shop open, but we shall see. I have already moved most of the handmade items into the bins for craft fair, and the embroidery blanks will be moved into the supply shop when they expire.

Everything I need for the craft fairs are on their way and will hopefully be here in time for the first one, it has been awhile since I have done a craft fair, 25 years to be exact, so I am alittle nervous, but I am sure not that much could have possibly changed.

I still have a few more items to finish up, get my son set up for some of his college appointments, get our taxes done, and my father heads in for surgery on the 20th of this month, so we are off and running for the third month of the year. Which is good, but alittle nerve wracking sometimes :)